Our Story - TDX Ltd


We are proud to release The TDX brand video. This tells the fascinating and inspiring story of our history. It starts back in the late 70’s when three young, eager twenty something’s were over in the UK on their big OE.

Living and working in London as mechanics on Detroit Diesel engines and Allison transmissions, they salvaged a transmission that was deemed unrepairable and was destined for the scrap heap. Over the next year, as and when they could afford to buy the needed parts, they set about rebuilding the transmission in their basement flat, followed by dismantling it, and rebuilding it in the back of a car and then driving it to a port to transport back to NZ. It was sold before it arrived back on our shores!

The rest is history and here we are today 40 odd years later, representing an incredible stable of brands and products and as a key player in multiple NZ markets.

The brand story shares just a glimpse of some of the key moments in the formation and evolution of TDX, our people and the amazing journey we have been on and continue on today. Take some time to savour and enjoy the ride!

VIEW OUR STORY HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZcpax2R4Co