Gareth White, G White Logging
G White Logging are an established logging company based in Tokoroa, New Zealand. Specializing in cable logging and steep slope harvesting. Gareth owns the first Volvo EC300DL globally fitted with a straight forestry boom.
Cam Paton, Paton Civil
Paton Civil Ltd is a versatile civil contracting business who work on civil earthworks projects, housing excavations & rail work in the Greater Auckland region.
James Rutter, EnviroNZ
EnviroNZ are an innovative, safe and sustainable resource recovery and management business. Their national network of collection services and critical infrastructure facilities supports the vital sustainability efforts of local councils, customers and communities across New Zealand.
Nathan Gibbons, Stevenson Aggregates
Stevenson Aggregates Ltd is a division of Fulton Hogan, delivering high-quality aggregates and concrete throughout New Zealand. The Stevenson group team are committed innovators who are always working on new technologies and processes to improve their products while still taking care of the environment.
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